📄️ Getting Started Using Coinstac
installing coinstac
📄️ Consortium
Consortia are the focus of any collaborative action inside Coinstac. They allow groups of researchers to organize and run analyses without directly sharing data, without extensive effort distribute and align data to a particular analysis.
📄️ COINSTAC First Example
An example for beginning COINSTAC computation creators.
📄️ List of Algorithms Implemented in COINSTAC
This page lists the algorithms that are currently implemented as computations in COINSTAC. Each algorithm is designed to perform specific computational tasks related to data analysis, machine learning, or scientific research.
📄️ Installing COINSTAC
Download and install the latest release of COINSTAC https://github.com/trendscenter/coinstac/releases
📄️ User Settings
User settings can be found by scrolling to the bottom of the sidebar and clicking on settings
Launch the COINSTAC application